Paediatric (Children) Clinics

Children are not mini adults; they are developing and growing up to an average age of 16 for girls and 18 for boys.  During this time a lot of changes take place at various joints called growth plates to ensure that the bones grow with muscles and ligaments. Damage to these growth plates can lead to long term problems.


A young baby foot consists mainly of tough cartilage up until the age of two years.  All babies have flat, triangular shaped feet up to the age of three years when the foot starts to adapt more like an adult foot however many changes are still taking place at the hips at this age which has an effect on the foot.

From what age can my child see a Podiatrist?

We can see you child from any age for parental concern. However, we cannot analyse their gait until the age of seven years when they start to adapt an adult type of gait.


Children will be monitored more regularly than adults under podiatric treatment as they are constantly growing and the position of their limbs change which affect the foot and how they load on the foot.

We diagnose and treat a range of foot problems by assessing the cause of the problem and not only treating the symptoms.

Common Paediatric Conditions Treated

Severs disease


This can begin at the start of a growth spurt in adolescence in abnormal biomechanics and intrinsic muscle weakness and extrinsic muscle tightness.

Paediatric Flat Foot


This is an abnormal and postural deficit functioning foot that can lead to future deformity. It is reported that up to 80% of children with flat foot have foot problems in later life which were established during childhood.

In-growing Toe Nails


Footwear can be to blame or the method of cutting toe nails can cause in-growing nails.

Osgood-Schlatter Disease


This can begin at the start of a growth spurt in adolescence and abnormal biomechanics.



This is an overuse injury.

What would an assessment entail?


From the age of seven years we carry out a full gait and pressure plate analysis with some variation to adapt to the paediatric patient. MSK biomechanics assessment