How do we assess you?
There are 2 levels of assessment: Please see OUR FEES tab on this website for more information.
A muscular and skeletal assessment of the foot and lower limb is conducted, as the foot plays an intricate role in effectively transmitting forces so as not to overload the, knee, hips or back. The foot consists of 26 bones, 33 joints and 98 muscles/ligaments. These components work together to provide the body with support, balance and mobility. A structural flaw or malfunction in any one part can result in injury.
An assessment identifies abnormal gait whilst standing, walking or running which could be caused by structural imbalance of joints or weakness of muscles or ligaments.
We aim to identify the root cause of the pain so we can treat not only the symptoms but at best treat the cause too. As for example, a leg length discrepancy can cause back, knee and foot pain such as plantar fasciitis.
We will then carry out a hands-on assessment of your foot, ankle, knees, hips and back, checking range of joint motion, muscle strength and ligament function. We also review your everyday and sports footwear such as running, golf, football or tennis shoes.
For the ‘dynamic gait analysis’ element of the assessment, you will be required to walk, or run, whilst capturing these events using the Sensor Medica CADCAM diagnostic pressure plate and video gait analysis. This software enables the practitioner to slow down events and highlights areas of abnormality, not seen by the naked eye, invaluable to ensure an optimum pain free outcome.
The data from the camera and pressure distribution images are analysed and, together with the patients’ medical history and observations from the hands-on assessment, are used to form a comprehensive diagnostic and treatment plan.